Hound of Chulainn Postcard

The Hound of Chulainn

Six Elements Theatre presents a new, collaboratively devised work based on ancient Irish legends. Directed by Nathaniel Nesheim-Case, script by Brian Watson-Jones

The greatest warrior in Ireland's history is fighting against an invading army, alone, while the Morrigan, goddess of battle and death, looks over his shoulder, waiting for him to fall... 
Adapted by the ensemble from the Old Irish epics of the Ulster Cycle, The Hound of Chulainn tells the tale of two youths touched by fate: Deirdre, cursed to bring sorrow to those she loves, and Setanta, the boy with dog-like loyalty who must choose between his duty and his family. Haunting music and deadly duels punctuate a story about the difficulty and the importance of choosing who you believe and who you fight for.

Featuring Madeline Achen, Ariel Begley, Eric Dymit, Emily Gustafson, Kam Jones, Andre Johnson Jr., Laura Mason, Käri Nielsen, Cassandra Cutler Proball, Aaron Ruder, and Mason Tyer

Designed by Philip D Henry, Jordan Johnson, Mark Larson, and Luis Rosa

Violence by Mike Lubke

Human Combat Chess 2018: Corsairs v. Phoenix

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For the 8th year Six Elements theatre is mounting the best stage combat show in the Twin Cities. Returning favorites and amazing rookies are ready duke it out for the Midwest Combat Chess League Championship, featuring two of the most exciting and energetic teams in the league: The daring Corsairs vs. the flashy Phoenix! They're fighting for fame, fortune and glory, but is that all that's on the line? Come find out when they #AssumeTheBoard!

Featuring Ben Ackerman, Brynn Berryhill, Andrea Broman, Jake Burgett, Jess Cashion, Trent Chiodo, Emily Denny, James Fairbairn, Philip D Henry, Darwin Hull, Morgan Jellison, Ethan Jensen, Jenn Jensen, Kam Jones, Emily Knotek, Jason Kobett, Troy Koeppen, Elspeth Lee, Mike Lubke, Graidon Mabson, Emma Martin, Aamer Mian, Jessa Olmstead, Matt Reese, Skot Rieffer, Tom Ringberg, Luis Rosa, Andrew Rose, Aaron Ruder, Eleanor Sampson, Becci Schmidt, Kyle Schneider, Estefan Silva, Jenn Sisko, Thomas Sonneman, Jake Stone, Esther Swanson, Tia Tanzer, Mason Tyer, Sommer Walters, Ambrosia Webb, Jena Young, and Addison.